FREE DOWNLOAD: Kona Cotton Color Cards
Since I have started making quilts for Legit Kits, I have amassed a large collection of Kona cotton colors. The mess was getting overwhelming, so I came up with a way to organize the colors. I ordered some rolling file folder holders and organized the fabric alphabetically by code. Because they are now organized and filed, I can easily find the color I need.
I started with one file holder, but my collection has since expanded to require three file holders!
Sometimes, though, I am out of one color and I need a way to find the next closest color. I didn't want to buy a Kona color card (and the printed fabric color chart is very inaccurate!), so I made my own! Now I can see at a glance what shade of color I'm looking for and if there's another color that's close!
These are arranged by the color code used by Legit Kits, as that's how I'm usually using these fabrics. Download your own color code chart and paste 1" square pieces of your fabric!
It’s fun to watch your fabric collection grow as you add to the color cards, and you can see at a glance which colors you need to add to your collection!
The one or two digit color code is consistent in every Legit Kit quilt.