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The Reaching Sewalong: Session One

What happens when EQ8 breaks?

The next EQ8 Tutorial is now available!
Learn how to import a photo into EQ8, and and create a pattern using that photo!

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorials Return!
Learn how to use EQ8 to design Foundation Paper Pieced blocks and quilts!

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorials: Week 21 (with a twist)

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorials: Week 20

The Custom Fit Quilt Coat

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorials: Week 19

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorials: back in two weeks!

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial, Week 18: How did you design YOUR block?

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial, Week 17

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial: Week 16

BOM at long last!
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Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial: Week 15

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial: Week 14


Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial: Week 12
This week’s tutorial shows how versatile Foundation Paper Piecing can be!

Foundation Paper Piecing Tutorial: Week 11
BREAK WEEK for FPP Tutorials
Adventurer Two Baby Quilt Pattern
This fun quilt would be perfect for a world traveling friend, or a baby who has the whole world to explore!
The quilt is made from 9 blocks, each block being 12 inches square. The globe is made from one piece of fabric, making it perfect for your favorite fabric! Finished quilt measures 40" square.
Techniques used: Applique, Foundation Paper Piecing.
Pattern includes coloring page, assembly diagram, appliqué instructions, and pattern pieces. A link to Foundation Paper Piecing tutorials is also included!